Back to school without a contract

This is the August 26, 2024 edition of our twice-weekly newsletter about labor movement news in the DC region. Sign up to get our newsletters delivered straight to your inbox.

It's the first day of school for school systems across the region but DC Public Schools teachers with the Washington Teachers' Union will welcome students this morning without a contract.

"They want to be able to … put any number of kids in our classes," WTU President Jacqueline Pogue Lyons told The Washington Informer. "They want to dictate policy around the hours we have in the school day. They’re trying to take away our right to negotiate the length of the school year. They’re trying to do away with mutual consent which could lead to the excessing of effective and highly effective teachers in the school district. Those are things that are regulated in other school districts." Read more »

TODAY: UNITE HERE Local 23 to picket for a fair union process at DCA

Master ConcessionAir workers at Reagan National Airport have circulated a petition asking for a fair process to decide whether to form a union without threats and intimidation. These workers deserve the same respect that hundreds of union airport food service workers already enjoy.

UNITE HERE Local 23 will picket at DCA today, August 26 and tomorrow, August 27, and are calling on allies to turn out in support. Join workers today from 10-11:30 AM or tomorrow from 1-3 PM outside Terminal 2. Read more »

Teamsters Local 689 on strike at Airgas

Airgas Teamsters from Teamsters Local 639 were forced onto the picket line Wednesday due to the company’s unfair labor practices and refusal to bargain in good faith. Over 40 drivers and plant workers who deliver critical gasses to hospitals, labs, and universities are on strike for a fair contract after months of contentious negotiations. Read more »

Metropolitan Washington Council at the DNC

Metropolitan Washington Council, AFL-CIO President Samuel Epps, Third Vice President Herbert Harris of BLET/IBT 482, and members of our Executive Board were at the Democratic National Convention last week to support endorsed candidates, hear from movement leaders, and organize with allies in DC and Maryland ahead of November. Thank you to everyone for a fantastic convention!

Register now for CSA's 27th Annual Benefit Golf Tournament

The Community Services Agency's 27th Annual Golf Tournament is coming up in just under a month, on Monday, September 23 starting at 6:30 AM. Proceeds benefit the Emergency Assistance Fund for Union Members in Need and now is the time to register. Join us for this year's tournament.

Labor Day Week Events

Labor Day Mass at St. Camillus
Wednesday, August 28 — 5:00 PM
Silver Spring, MD
Before you enjoy the Labor Day weekend, come honor and pray for working people at the Labor Day Mass at St. Camillus Church. Fr. Brian Jordan, OFM, presiding. All unions and working people are invited.

2024 NoVA Labor Picnic
Sunday, September 1 — 12-3 PM
Fort Hunt Park, Alexandria, VA
NoVA Labor's annual Labor Day Weekend Picnic is coming up this year on Sunday, September 1 from 12-3 PM at Fort Hunt Park in Alexandra. Join our Virginia labor allies for food, music, speeches, bounce castle, face painting, soccer and more.

Walk with IUPAT DC 51 in the 2024 Greenbelt Labor Day Parade
Monday, September 2 — 9 AM-12 PM
Corner of Crescent & Ridge Roads, Greenbelt, MD

Join IUPAT DC 51 invites union members, families, and allies to walk in the Greenbelt Labor Day Parade on Monday, September 2, 2024. Confirm your attendance and reserve a t-shirt.

Walk with IBEW Local 26 Retired Members in the 2024 Greenbelt Labor Day Parade
Monday, September 2 — 8:30 AM
555 Crescent Rd, Greenbelt, MD

Come join the Local 26 Retired Member's' Club and bring your family. Participants should arrive before 9:00 AM and meet at Buddy Attic Park.  Contact RMC President Susan Flashman or text/call 301-325-5708 with questions.

Bilingüe Misa por el dia del Trabajo 
Lunes, 2 de Septiembre — 11 AM
Iglesia Católica Nuestra Señora Reina de la Paz, 2700 South 19th Street, Arlington, VA

Bilingüe Misa por el dia del trabajo, honrando a los trabajadores y sus sindicatos. Email Laura si tiene preguntas.

Bilingual Labor Day Mass for Workers and Their Unions

Monday, September 2 — 11 AM
Our Lady Queen of Peace Catholic Church, 2700 South 19th Street, Arlington, VA

Bilingual Labor Day mass, honoring workers and their unions. Email Laura if you have questions.

Around the Region

Left: On Saturday, the Washington Teachers' Union joined a Ward 5 Back-to-School Event to give away free books and Kona Ice at Wheatley Elementary School with DC Councilmember Zachary Parker. Right: IBEW Local 26 held their Family Picnic this past weekend with "great food, face painting, rides and the amazing band Oracle."

Share Your News

Got an action, event, open position, or other update you want labor leaders in DC and Maryland to know about? Submit news items to [email protected].


Labor Day was won by the labor movement


"More freedom includes the freedom to join a union"