
Metro Washington Council AFL-CIO Metro Washington Council AFL-CIO

U.S. Mail is not for sale

In a powerful show of solidarity, thousands of postal workers and members of the American Postal Workers Union rallied last week for a National Day of Action to say, “Hands Off Our Public Postal Service – The U.S. Mail Is Not for Sale!”

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Metro Washington Council AFL-CIO Metro Washington Council AFL-CIO

Unions and residents push to avert $1 billion hit to DC budget

The Washington Teachers' Union, ATU Local 689, and thousands of DC Public School students and local residents came together to stop the attack on DC's autonomy. The bill will head to the House of Representatives next week.

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Metro Washington Council AFL-CIO Metro Washington Council AFL-CIO

Federal workers matter

A federal judge on Thursday ordered OPM to rescind directives that initiated the mass firing of probationary workers across the government, ruling that the terminations were probably illegal, as a group of labor unions argued in court.

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Metro Washington Council AFL-CIO Metro Washington Council AFL-CIO

An unprecedented challenge for the DC region

Our region will also experience shorter term impacts as thousands of people here have lost jobs in recent weeks. Job losses here at such a large scale will create enormous challenge for our region. It's up to all of us to meet this coming need.

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