DC-area SEIU locals join international convention, elect new president

SEIU's 2024 International Convention has been underway in Philadelphia this week, bringing together more than 3,500 SEIU members to build power as a movement. DC-area locals and Council Affiliates 1199SEIU and 32BJ SEIU have been in Philadelphia this week to be part of making history.

On Monday SEIU members elected April Verrett as the union's new president. Verrett is the former President of SEIU Local 2015, California’s largest union local. She succeeds Mary Kay Henry who served as president for 14 years.

"We are thrilled to have April Verrett as the new President of our SEIU family," 32BJ SEIU posted on social media. "With April at the helm, we recommit ourselves to fighting for unions for all working people, fair wages, better working conditions, and economic and racial justice."

U.S. Vice President Kamala Harris and Canada's Prime Minister Justin Trudeau both joined the convention this week as featured speakers. And this morning, AFL-CIO President Liz Shuler joined President Verrett, SEIU's newly elected Secretary Treasurer Rocío Sáenz, and National Domestic Workers Alliance's Ai-jen Poo to discuss building a diverse, multiracial movement to grow worker power.



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