Introducing the Evening with Labor 2024 Awardees
Every year the Evening with Labor Awards honor outstanding leaders in the DC region's labor movement who have gone above and beyond to support our union movement and union members.
Introducing our Master of Ceremonies for Evening with Labor 2024
We are excited to announce the person who will make this year’s Evening with Labor come together: Longtime TV news reporter Sam Ford will join us as Master of Ceremonies!
Happy Transit Employees Appreciation Day!
Today we celebrate Transit Employees Appreciation Day!
Rally tonight for the Fair Share for Maryland Act
FSCME Maryland Council 3 members participated in a press conference in support of legislation to close tax loopholes that favor large corporations and the ultra wealthy.
Join an upcoming COPE meeting near you
Metro Washington Council's Committee on Political Education (COPE) meetings are a chance for members of our Affiliate unions to learn about what's happening in the local labor movement.
Learn how to organize with UNITE HERE Local 25
On Saturday, April 6 from 10 AM-3 PM, join UNITE HERE Local 25 to learn from union workers and experienced trainers how to fight back and win.
UPCOMING Prince George's and Montgomery County COPE meetings
Committee on Political Education (COPE) meetings are a chance for union members to learn about our rights and what's happening in the local labor movement.
Share your news
Got an action, event, open position, or other update you want the labor community in DC and Maryland to know about?