Labor rallies with endorsed candidates Aisha Braveboy and Shayla Adams-Stafford

Our February Delegates meeting on Monday had some special guests! Aisha Braveboy and Shayla Adams-Stafford, our endorsed candidates in Prince George's County March 4 special election, joined us to share their words and vision for a stronger Prince George's County. Thank you for joining us, Aisha and Shayla — we look forward to supporting you in these final days of the campaign!

Join us to make calls and knock doors in Prince George's County

We support candidates who support workers. Election Day in Prince George's County is this coming Tuesday, March 4. Join us to make calls and knock doors tonight, tomorrow and on Saturday:

Recent News

UMD Graduate Labor Union to hold practice picket today

In November, the UMD Graduate Union, which is organizing with UAW, demanded that UMD voluntarily recognize the union — but the university refused. It's clearer than ever that it's time to show UMD that the Graduate Union is ready to do what it takes if they don't sit down to negotiate better working conditions! UMD Graduate Union will hold a practice picket today at noon. Join them today on campus in College Park »

Workers at St. Anselm vote to unionize

Congratulations to workers at St. Anselm who voted "yes" in their union election on Friday to be represented by UNITE HERE Local 25! “It will set a precedent in the city if this passes — all restaurants have their eyes on us,” a St. Anselm server said to Eater.

Read more from DC Restaurant Workers Rising »

Take Action

TODAY: National Day of Action for the Postal Service

Following last week’s reports of a planned executive order to dismantle the Postal Service, the threats against letter carriers' jobs, service, and a self-sufficient, independent USPS are real. Hundreds of NALC members, union leaders, and union allies rallied in DC against this looming threat. Tell the White House “hell no!” to dismantling the Postal Service »

People's Budget Rally with ATU Local 689
Monday, March 3 @ 6:30 PM
On Monday, ATU Local 689 will rally with allies in the Fair Share Maryland coalition for a budget that protects working people and funds vital public services. See details and join the event »

Solidarity Spotlight

Left: APWU President Mark Diamondson spoke at Monday's rally for Postal Service workers. Right: AFL-CIO Secretary-Treasurer Fred Redmond, ATU President John Costa, CWA President Claude Cummings Jr., and AFGE District 14 National Vice President Ottis Johnson also joined in solidarity.


Donations now open: Federal Worker Solidarity Fund


Nominate a Leader for this year’s Evening with Labor Awards