U.S. Mail is not for sale

In a powerful show of solidarity, thousands of postal workers and members of the American Postal Workers Union rallied last week for a National Day of Action to say, “Hands Off Our Public Postal Service – The U.S. Mail Is Not for Sale!”

From Fairbanks, AK to Honolulu, HI, from San Juan, PR to Bangor, ME, and throughout the country, postal workers and allies took action at over 250 locations to fight for our jobs, our service, and our future. Read more »

Trump administration moves to reinstate thousands of probationary workers

The Trump administration has moved to reinstate at least 24,000 federal probationary employees fired in the president’s push to shrink the government, according to filings in one of two cases. “We are grateful for these employees and the critical work they do, and AFGE will keep fighting until all federal employees who were unjustly and illegally fired are given their jobs back,” said AFGE President Kelley.

Navy Federal Credit Union workers ratify new contract

Members of Workers United MARJB at Navy Federal Credit Union Local 15-9 in Vienna, VA ratified a new union contract!

The contract includes a 15% wage increase in the first year and 5% increase in years two and three.

Congratulations, Workers United members!

Upcoming Actions + Events

Evening with Labor 2025
Saturday, April 26, 2025

Evening with Labor 2025 is just over one month away! That means now is the time for your union or organization to get tickets or secure a sponsorship for this year's event. See all the available levels and benefits and secure your sponsorship today.

DC CLUW Women's History Month
Tuesday, March 25 @ 6 PM
On Zoom

Join Metro DC CLUW for our monthly chapter meeting! We're pleased to welcome Nee Nee Taylor, Executive Director of Harriet's Wildest Dreams, to share her story of community aid, activism, and building collective power. RSVP »

Donate to the Federal Worker Solidarity Fund
Federal workers dedicate their careers to our communities. Now, it's time for everyone to have their backs. Donations are now open for our Federal Worker Solidarity Fund for the DC region. Donate or apply to the Fund »

Building Trades' Workers Memorial Mass
Thursday April 24 @ 5 PM
St. Camillus Church, Silver Spring

The Building Trades' Workers Memorial Mass is a time of remembrance for those workers who were killed or injured on the jobsite. The Mass will be led by Labor Priest Father Brian Jordan. ALL ARE INVITED including rank-and-file members, safety personnel, union leaders, family, friends, and elected officials.

Around the Region

Left: Last week, IUPAT DC 51 brought together Organizing Directors and lead Organizers from District Councils across the United States and Canada at IUPAT's international headquarters in Hanover, MD. Right: Members of the AFSCME Maryland Executive Board gathered in front of UMD's Hornbake Library with an exhibition banner featuring former AFSCME members on strike.


Unions and residents push to avert $1 billion hit to DC budget