What labor can win together

When unions work together in solidarity, we can accomplish incredible things.

I’ve seen this many times over the years in my work in the labor movement. When UNITE HERE Local 25 members have been on the picket line for fair wages, having our allied union brothers and sisters show up and join us never failed to make our organizing more powerful and more successful. The same was true during my time with 1199 SEIU. When we were fighting for better conditions at hospitals and nursing homes, support from our fellow unions made victory possible.

This is also true of bigger fights for justice. From defending our legal right to safe and fair conditions at work, to stopping corporate exploitation, to matters of economic justice and more, the DC region needs a powerful and united labor movement to help win a better future for every worker and our families.

That is the work I am honored and humbled to take up as the newly elected president of the Metro Washington Council, AFL-CIO. The Council unites more than 150 union locals across DC, Montgomery County, Prince George’s County, and southern Maryland. Together our Affiliate unions represent tens of thousands of workers.

When we work together, we win. The Metro Washington Council unites the hardworking union locals that make our transit systems, construction trades, schools, hospitals, supermarkets, coffee shops, newspapers, commercial office buildings and so much more run each and every day. I know that together we can accomplish incredible things.

​I welcome your partnership as my new role gets underway. Please reach out to me at any time. I look forward to what we can win together.

Samuel Epps

Metro Washington Council, AFL-CIO


Actions & Events


Laurel City mayor hires union-busting law firm for first contract negotiations with DPW workers